
Kisanpro Services

We bring efficiency, economy of scale and solutions for your public distribution system.

Vegetables & Spices

All types of organic produce including edible oils and seeds. We provide custom spices.

Natural Grains & Oils

Wheat, rice, millet, corn, maize, and other grains.

Fresh Fruits & Seeds

Oraganic fruits, seeds & edible oil.

Feed for farm animals

Feed for cows, horses, pigs and any other type of farm animals & birds.

Modern Tools

We provide quality tools & technologies from American exporters.

Finance Plans

We help financing exports & imports even for Govt agencies.


We specialise in intelligent & effective Search and believes in the power of partnerships to grow business. We use agronomic machine learning, remote sensing.


Our farm loan products allowing you even further control of your financial success. Our Business Bureau rating is a testament to how dedicated we are to our customers.

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